# Button

# Basic button

# Usage

Create a .canvas file and write the file content

<canvas width="800" height="180">
    <button x="10" y="10">默认按钮</button>
    <button x="130" y="10" type="primary">主要按钮</button>
    <button x="250" y="10" type="success">成功按钮</button>
    <button x="370" y="10" type="info">信息按钮</button>
    <button x="490" y="10" type="warning">警告按钮</button>
    <button x="610" y="10" type="danger">危险按钮</button>
    <button x="10" y="60" plain>朴素按钮</button>
    <button x="130" y="60" type="primary" plain>主要按钮</button>
    <button x="250" y="60" type="success" plain>成功按钮</button>
    <button x="370" y="60" type="info" plain>信息按钮</button>
    <button x="490" y="60" type="warning" plain>警告按钮</button>
    <button x="610" y="60" type="danger" plain>危险按钮</button>
    <button x="10" y="110" round>圆角按钮</button>
    <button x="130" y="110" type="primary" round>主要按钮</button>
    <button x="250" y="110" type="success" round>成功按钮</button>
    <button x="370" y="110" type="info" round>信息按钮</button>
    <button x="490" y="110" type="warning" round>警告按钮</button>
    <button x="610" y="110" type="danger" round>危险按钮</button>

# Disabled

Pass the disabled attribute to the button element to control whether it is available

<canvas width="800" height="180">
    <button x="10" y="10" disabled>默认按钮</button>
    <button x="130" y="10" type="primary" disabled>主要按钮</button>
    <button x="250" y="10" type="success" disabled>成功按钮</button>
    <button x="370" y="10" type="info" disabled>信息按钮</button>
    <button x="490" y="10" type="warning" disabled>警告按钮</button>
    <button x="610" y="10" type="danger" disabled>危险按钮</button>
    <button x="10" y="60" plain disabled>朴素按钮</button>
    <button x="130" y="60" type="primary" plain disabled>主要按钮</button>
    <button x="250" y="60" type="success" plain disabled>成功按钮</button>
    <button x="370" y="60" type="info" plain disabled>信息按钮</button>
    <button x="490" y="60" type="warning" plain disabled>警告按钮</button>
    <button x="610" y="60" type="danger" plain disabled>危险按钮</button>
    <button x="10" y="110" round disabled>圆角按钮</button>
    <button x="130" y="110" type="primary" round disabled>主要按钮</button>
    <button x="250" y="110" type="success" round disabled>成功按钮</button>
    <button x="370" y="110" type="info" round disabled>信息按钮</button>
    <button x="490" y="110" type="warning" round disabled>警告按钮</button>
    <button x="610" y="110" type="danger" round disabled>危险按钮</button>

# text button

Buttons without borders and backgrounds

<canvas width="800" height="50">
    <button x="10" y="10" type="text">文字按钮</button>
    <button x="80" y="10" type="text" disabled>文字按钮</button>

# Event

Support click events

<canvas width="800" height="60">
    <button x="10" y="10" type="primary" @click="handleClick">click按钮</button>

    methods: {
	handleClick() {
	    console.log('button -> click event triggered')

# Attributes

Attribute Description Type Accepted values Default
text button text string 按钮
color Button text color string The font fill color set by default for the canvas drawing context object
fontSize Button text fontsize string| number The font size set by default for the canvas drawing context object
type Button type string default| primary | success | info | warning | danger | text default
plain Whether the button is plain boolean false
round Whether to round the corners of the button boolean false
disabled Whether the button is disabled boolean false

# Events

Event Name Description Parameters
click Event triggered by button click