# Progress

# linear progress bar

Setting percentage to the progress element is the progress value of the progress bar element, ranging from 0-100.

<canvas width="800" height="80">
		<col :span="24">
				<col :span="24">
					<progress :percentage="66"></progress>
				<col :span="24">
					<progress :percentage="66" status="success"></progress>
				<col :span="24">
					<progress :percentage="66" status="exception"></progress>
				<col :span="24">
					<progress :percentage="66" status="warning"></progress>

# Percent internal display

Set the textInside attribute to the progress bar element to move the displayed text inside the progress bar.

<canvas width="800" height="80">
		<col :span="24">
				<col :span="24">
					<progress :percentage="66" :textInside="true" strokeWidth="20"></progress>
				<col :span="24">
					<progress :percentage="66" status="success" :textInside="true" strokeWidth="20"></progress>
				<col :span="24">
					<progress :percentage="66" status="exception" :textInside="true" strokeWidth="20"></progress>
				<col :span="24">
					<progress :percentage="66" status="warning" :textInside="true" strokeWidth="20"></progress>

# Custom color

Set the color attribute of the progress bar element to customize the color display of the progress bar at different progress values.

<canvas width="800" height="80">
		<col :span="24">
				<col :span="24">
					<progress :percentage="30" strokeWidth="20" :color="customColors"></progress>
				<col :span="24">
					<progress :percentage="80" strokeWidth="20" :color="customColors"></progress>
export default {
	data: {
		customColors: [
			{color: '#f56c6c', percentage: 20},
			{color: '#5cb87a', percentage: 60},

# Circular progress bar

Set type="circle" to the progress bar element to turn it into a circular progress bar

<canvas width="800" height="150">
		<col :span="24">
				<col :span="24">
					<progress :percentage="66" strokeWidth="10" type="circle"></progress>

# Dashboard progress bar

Set type="dashboard" to the progress bar element to turn it into a circular progress bar

<canvas width="800" height="150">
		<col :span="24">
				<col :span="24">
					<progress :percentage="66" strokeWidth="10" type="dashboard"></progress>

# Attributes

Attribute Description Type Accepted values Default
percentage progress bar value number 0-100 0
type Progress bar type string line| circle | dashboard line
strokeWidth progress bar line width number 6
textInside The progress bar shows whether the text is embedded boolean false
status progress bar status string success| exception | warning
color Customize progress bar color string|Array
width progress bar width number 126
showText Whether to display progress bar text boolean true
strokeLinecap Progress bar line end type string butt| round | square round