# Input

There is no point in implementing form input controls such as input boxes and selectors on canvas, because html is more suitable for this. CanvasLikeHtml also only has a built-in input form element, just to illustrate an implementation idea of form elements on canvas.

# Basic input

<canvas width="800" height="60">
    <input x="10" y="10"></input>

# Disabled

Set whether the input box is disabled by passing in the disabled attribute

<canvas width="800" height="60">
    <input x="10" y="10" disabled value="test"></input>

# Clearable

Set whether the value of the input box can be cleared by passing in the clearable attribute

<canvas width="800" height="60">
    <input x="10" y="10" clearable></input>

# Attributes

Attribute Description Type Accepted values Default
value Input value string
placeholder Input placeholder text string 请输入内容
disabled Whether to disable boolean false
clearable Whether the value can be cleared boolean false

# Events

Event Name Description Parameters
input Triggered when the input box value changes (value)
clear Triggered after clicking clear