# Checkbox

# Basic checkbox

<canvas width="800" height="50">
    <checkbox x="10" y="10">默认复选框</checkbox>
    <checkbox x="120" y="10" :checked="true">选中状态</checkbox>

# Disabled

Pass the disabled attribute to the checkbox element to control whether it is disabled

<canvas width="800" height="50">
    <checkbox x="10" y="10" :disabled="true">复选框禁用</checkbox>

# indeterminate

The indeterminate attribute is used to indicate the uncertain state of the checkbox, generally used for the all-select effect.

<canvas width="800" height="50">
    <checkbox x="10" y="10" :indeterminate="true">indeterminate</checkbox>

# Checkbox group

Use the built-in checkbox group element checkbox-group to group multiple checkboxes together to control checking.

<canvas width="800" height="50">
	<checkbox-group x="10" y="10" @change="handleChange">
		<checkbox value="A">复选框 A</checkbox>
		<checkbox value="B">复选框 B</checkbox>
		<checkbox value="C">复选框 C</checkbox>
export default {
	methods: {
		handleChange(value) {

# Attributes

# checkbox

Attribute Description Type Accepted values Default
text Checkbox description text string
fontSize Checkbox text fontsize number The font size set by default for the canvas drawing context object
checked Is the checkbox checked? boolean false
disabled Whether the checkbox is disabled boolean false
indeterminate Set indeterminate state boolean false
value checkbox value any

# checkbox-group

Attribute Description Type Accepted values Default
value Checkbox group value Array []

# Events

# checkbox

Event Name Description Parameters
change Event triggered when a checkbox is checked (value, checked)

# checkbox-group

Event Name Description Parameters
change Event triggered when the value of a checkbox group changes (value)