# Table

# Basic table

Pass in the columns and data attributes to the table element to automatically draw the corresponding table on the canvas.

<canvas width="800" height="300">
	<table width="500" height="250" :columns="head" :data="list"></table>
export default {
	data: {
  		colLen: 10,
            	rowLen: 4,
		head: [],
		list: []
	mounted() {
		const head = Array.from({ length: this.colLen.value }).map((e, i) => ({
            		field: `col${i}`,
            		label: `col${i + 1}`,
        	let list = []
        	for (let i = 0, l = this.rowLen.value, row = {}; i < l; i++) {
            		row = {}
            		for(let j = 0, k = head.length; j < k; j++) {
                		row.index = i + 1
                		row[`col${j}`] = `row-${i + 1}-col${j + 1}`
		this.head.value = head
		this.list.value = list

# Fixed

Pass the fixed attribute to the column to fix the column

<canvas width="800" height="500">
	<table width="500" height="250" :columns="head" :data="list"></table>
export default {
	data: {
		colLen: 10,
            	rowLen: 4,
		head: [],
		list: [],
		fixedLeftColIndex: [6],
		fixedRightColIndex: [8]
	mounted() {
		const head = Array.from({ length: this.colLen.value }).map((e, i) => ({
            		field: `col${i}`,
            		label: `col${i + 1}`,
					fixed: ((i) => {
						if (this.fixedLeftColIndex.includes(i)) {
							return 'left'
						if (this.fixedRightColIndex.includes(i)) {
							return 'right'
        	let list = []
        	for (let i = 0, l = this.rowLen.value, row = {}; i < l; i++) {
            		row = {}
            		for(let j = 0, k = head.length; j < k; j++) {
                		row.index = i + 1
                		row[`col${j}`] = `row-${i + 1}-col${j + 1}`
		this.head.value = head
		this.list.value = list

# Selection

Passing the type attribute with the value checkbox to the column will turn the column into a selection column

<canvas width="800" height="300">
	<table width="500" height="250" :columns="head" :data="list"></table>
export default {
	data: {
		colLen: 10,
            	rowLen: 4,
		head: [],
		list: [],
		fixedLeftColIndex: [],
		fixedRightColIndex: []
	mounted() {
		const head = Array.from({ length: this.colLen.value }).map((e, i) => ({
            		field: `col${i}`,
            		label: `col${i + 1}`,
					fixed: ((i) => {
						if (this.fixedLeftColIndex.includes(i)) {
							return 'left'
						if (this.fixedRightColIndex.includes(i)) {
							return 'right'
			type: 'checkbox',
			fixed: 'left',
			width: 35
        	let list = []
        	for (let i = 0, l = this.rowLen.value, row = {}; i < l; i++) {
            		row = {}
            		for(let j = 0, k = head.length; j < k; j++) {
                		row.index = i + 1
                		row[`col${j}`] = `row-${i + 1}-col${j + 1}`
		this.head.value = head
		this.list.value = list

# Tree table header

Pass the children attribute to the column to add sub-columns to the column

<canvas width="800" height="500">
	<table width="500" height="500" :columns="head" :data="list"></table>
export default {
	data: {
		colLen: 10,
            	rowLen: 4,
		head: [],
		list: [],
		fixedLeftColIndex: [],
		fixedRightColIndex: []
	mounted() {
		const head = Array.from({ length: this.colLen.value }).map((e, i) => ({
            		field: `col${i}`,
            		label: `col${i + 1}`,
					fixed: ((i) => {
						if (this.fixedLeftColIndex.includes(i)) {
							return 'left'
						if (this.fixedRightColIndex.includes(i)) {
							return 'right'
            					label: 'col-parent', 
            					children: [
                    						label: 'col-1', 
                    						children: [
                            							label: 'col-1-1',
                            							field: 'col1',
                            							children: [
                                    								label: 'col-1-1-1',
                                    								field: 'col3',
                                    								children: [
                                            									label: 'col-1-1-1-1',
                                            									field: 'col4'
                                            									label: 'col-1-1-1-2',
                                            									field: 'col3'
                            							label: 'col-1-2',
                            							field: 'col2',
                            							children: [
                                    								label: 'col-1-2-1',
                                    								field: 'col1',
                                    								label: 'col-1-2-2',
                                    								field: 'col2',
                					{ label: 'col-2', field: 'col9' }
        	let list = []
        	for (let i = 0, l = this.rowLen.value, row = {}; i < l; i++) {
            		row = {}
            		for(let j = 0, k = head.length; j < k; j++) {
                		row.index = i + 1
                		row[`col${j}`] = `row-${i + 1}-col${j + 1}`
		this.head.value = head
		this.list.value = list

# Custom table header

Setting the head in the slot attribute of the column can realize the function of customizing the header column.

<canvas width="800" height="500">
	<table width="600" height="250" :columns="head" :data="list"></table>
export default {
	data: {
		colLen: 10,
            	rowLen: 4,
		head: [],
		list: [],
		fixedLeftColIndex: [],
		fixedRightColIndex: []
	mounted() {
		const head = Array.from({ length: this.colLen.value }).map((e, i) => ({
            		field: `col${i}`,
            		label: `col${i + 1}`,
					fixed: ((i) => {
						if (this.fixedLeftColIndex.includes(i)) {
							return 'left'
						if (this.fixedRightColIndex.includes(i)) {
							return 'right'
            		field: 'col3',
            		label: '操作',
            		fixed: 'right',
            		width: 150,
            		slot: {
                		head: (h, col) => {
                    			return h('span', {
                        			text: `${col.label}-${col.field}`
        	let list = []
        	for (let i = 0, l = this.rowLen.value, row = {}; i < l; i++) {
            		row = {}
            		for(let j = 0, k = head.length; j < k; j++) {
                		row.index = i + 1
                		row[`col${j}`] = `row-${i + 1}-col${j + 1}`
		this.head.value = head
		this.list.value = list

# Custom table cell

Setting the body in the slot attribute of the column can implement the function of customizing the content column

<canvas width="800" height="500">
	<table width="800" height="500" :columns="head" :data="list"></table>
export default {
	data: {
		colLen: 10,
            	rowLen: 4,
		head: [],
		list: [],
		fixedLeftColIndex: [],
		fixedRightColIndex: []
	mounted() {
		const head = Array.from({ length: this.colLen.value }).map((e, i) => ({
            		field: `col${i}`,
            		label: `col${i + 1}`,
					fixed: ((i) => {
						if (this.fixedLeftColIndex.includes(i)) {
							return 'left'
						if (this.fixedRightColIndex.includes(i)) {
							return 'right'
            		field: 'col3',
            		label: '操作',
            		fixed: 'right',
            		width: 150,
            		slot: {
                		head: (h, col) => {
                    			return h('span', {
                        			text: `${col.label}-${col.field}`
            		field: 'operation',
            		label: '操作',
            		fixed: 'right',
            		width: 250,
            		slot: {
                		head: (h, col) => {
                    			return h('span', {
                        			text: `${col.label}`
                		body: (h, scope) => {
                    			return [
                        			h('button', {
                            				// type: 'success',
                            				type: 'text',
                            				text: '查看',
                            				on: {
                                				click() {
                                    					alert(`查看第${scope.$index + 1}行`)
                        			h('link', {
                            				type: 'primary',
                            				text: '编辑',
                            				on: {
                                				click() {
                                    					alert(`编辑第${scope.$index + 1}行`)
                        			h('link', {
                            				type: 'danger',
                            				text: '删除',
                            				disabled: true,
                            				on: {
                                				click() {
                                    					alert(`删除第${scope.$index + 1}行`)
                        			h('dropdown', {
                            				text: '更多',
                            				trigger: 'click',
                            				list: [
                                				{ name: `btn${scope.$index + 1}`, value: `btn${scope.$index + 1}` },
                            				on: {
                                				command: (val) => {
                                    					alert(`点击了第${scope.$index + 1}行-${val}`)
        	let list = []
        	for (let i = 0, l = this.rowLen.value, row = {}; i < l; i++) {
            		row = {}
            		for(let j = 0, k = head.length; j < k; j++) {
                		row.index = i + 1
                		row[`col${j}`] = `row-${i + 1}-col${j + 1}`
		this.head.value = head
		this.list.value = list

# Large data volume rendering

The table element was developed to solve the problem of stuck rendering of large data tables in DOM, and can display millions of data stably and smoothly.

<canvas width="1200" height="600">
	<table width="1200" height="600" :columns="head" :data="list"></table>
export default {
	data: {
  		colLen: 1000,
            	rowLen: 10000,
		head: [],
		list: []
	mounted() {
		const head = Array.from({ length: this.colLen.value }).map((e, i) => ({
            		field: `col${i}`,
            		label: `col${i + 1}`,
        	let list = []
        	for (let i = 0, l = this.rowLen.value, row = {}; i < l; i++) {
            		row = {}
            		for(let j = 0, k = head.length; j < k; j++) {
                		row.index = i + 1
                		row[`col${j}`] = `row-${i + 1}-col${j + 1}`
		this.head.value = head
		this.list.value = list

# Attributes

# table

Attribute Description Type Accepted values Default
columns table column configuration Array []
data table data Array []

# col

Attribute Description Type Accepted values Default
label header column display text string
field column bound fields string
width column width number
fixed fixed columns string left| right
type column display type string checkbox
children tree table header column configuration Array<col>

# Events

Event Name Description Parameters
selection-change Event triggered when table data is checked selection