# Radio

# Basic radio

<canvas width="800" height="50">
    <radio x="10" y="10">默认单选框</radio>
    <radio x="120" y="10" :checked="true">选中状态</radio>

# Disabled

Pass the disabled attribute to the radio element to control whether it is disabled

<canvas width="800" height="50">
    <radio x="10" y="10" :disabled="true">单选框禁用</radio>

# Radio group

Multiple radio buttons can be grouped together to control selection using the built-in radio button group element radio-group

<canvas width="800" height="50">
	<radio-group x="10" y="10" @change="handleChange">
		<radio value="A">选项 A</radio>
		<radio value="B">选项 A</radio>
		<radio value="C">选项 A</radio>
export default {
	methods: {
		handleChange(value) {

# Attributes

# radio

Attribute Description Type Accepted values Default
text radio button description text string
fontSize radio button text size number
checked Is the radio button checked? boolean false
disabled Whether the radio button is disabled boolean false
value radio button value any
Attribute Description Type Accepted values Default
value radio-group value Array []

# Events

# radio

Event Name Description Parameters
change Event triggered when an option is selected (value)

# radio-group

Event Name Description Parameters
change Event triggered when the value of the radio-group changes (value)