# Basic dropdown

<canvas width="800" height="50">
    <dropdown x="10" y="10" :list="list">下拉菜单</dropdown>
export default {
	data: {
		list: [
			{name: '选项1', value: 'option-1'},
			{name: '选项2', value: 'option-2'},
			{name: '选项3', value: 'option-3'}

# Trigger mode

Set the triggering method of the menu by passing in trigger

<canvas width="800" height="50">
    	<dropdown x="10" y="10" trigger="hover" :list="list">下拉菜单</dropdown>
	<dropdown x="100" y="10" trigger="click" :list="list">点击触发</dropdown>
export default {
	data: {
		list: [
			{name: '选项1', value: 'option-1'},
			{name: '选项2', value: 'option-2'},
			{name: '选项3', value: 'option-3'}

Pass in hideOnClick to set how the menu is hidden after the menu item is clicked.

<canvas width="800" height="50">
    <dropdown x="10" y="10" :list="list" :hideOnClick="false">下拉菜单</dropdown>
export default {
	data: {
		list: [
			{name: '选项1', value: 'option-1'},
			{name: '选项2', value: 'option-2'},
			{name: '选项3', value: 'option-3'}

# Attributes

Attribute Description Type Accepted values Default
text description text string 下拉菜单
fontSize description text fontsize string| number The font size set by default for the canvas drawing context object
trigger Trigger mode string hover| click hover
list Menu list array []
labelName The key corresponding to the menu item name string name
valueName The key corresponding to the menu item value string value
hideOnClick Whether to hide the menu after selecting a menu item boolean true

# Events

Event Name Description Parameters
command Event triggered after selecting menu item (value)