# Switch

# Basic switch

<canvas width="800" height="50">
    <switch x="10" y="10"></switch>

# inactiveText、activeText

Set the inactiveText and activeText attributes respectively to the switch element to set the prompt text of the switch element.

# Custom switch value

Set the inactiveValue and activeValue attributes respectively to the switch element to set the custom value of the switch element.

<canvas width="800" height="50">
    <switch x="10" y="10" inactiveText="关闭" activeText="打开" value="opened" inactiveValue="closed" activeValue="opened" @change="handleChange"></switch>
export default {
	methods: {
		handleChange(val) {
			console.log(`current value is: ${val}`)

# Disabled

Pass the disabled attribute to the switch element to control whether it is disabled

<canvas width="800" height="50">
	<switch x="10" y="10" disabled></switch>
	<switch x="120" y="10" :value="true" disabled></switch>

# Attributes

Attribute Description Type Accepted values Default
value switch value string| number | boolean
disabled Whether to disable boolean false
inactiveText Text prompt when closing string
activeText Text prompt when opening string
inactiveValue Switch value when closed string| number | boolean false
activeValue Switch value when turned on string| number | boolean true
inactiveColor Switch color when closed string '#C0CCDA'
activeColor Switch color when turned on string '#409EFF'

# Events

Event Name Description Parameters
change Event triggered when the value of the switch changes (value)