<canvas width="800" height="50">
    <link x="10" y="10">默认链接</link>
    <link x="80" y="10" type="primary">主要链接</link>
    <link x="150" y="10" type="success">成功链接</link>
    <link x="220" y="10" type="info">信息链接</link>
    <link x="290" y="10" type="warning">警告链接</link>
    <link x="360" y="10" type="danger">危险链接</link>

# Disabled

Pass the disabled attribute to the link element to control whether it is available

<canvas width="800" height="50">
    <link x="10" y="10" disabled>默认按钮</link>
    <link x="80" y="10" type="primary" disabled>主要按钮</link>
    <link x="150" y="10" type="success" disabled>成功按钮</link>
    <link x="220" y="10" type="info" disabled>信息按钮</link>
    <link x="290" y="10" type="warning" disabled>警告按钮</link>
    <link x="360" y="10" type="danger" disabled>危险按钮</link>

# Underline

Pass the underline attribute to the link element to control whether it displays underline

<canvas width="800" height="50">
    <link x="10" y="10" underline>有下划线</link>
    <link x="80" y="10" type="text" :underline="false">无下划线</link>

# Event

Support click events

<canvas width="800" height="50">
    <link x="10" y="10" type="primary" @click="handleClick">click链接</link>

    methods: {
	handleClick() {
	    console.log('link -> click event triggered')

# Attributes

Attribute Description Type Accepted values Default
text link text string 按钮
fontSize link text fontsize string| number The font size set by default for the canvas drawing context object
type link type string default| primary | success | info | warning | danger | text default
href Native href attribute string
disabled Whether to disable boolean false

# Events

Event Name Description Parameters
click Event triggered by link click